Whatcom Waterway Phase 1
Strider’s scope of work on this project included the removal (demolition) and disposal of timber piles near floating docks and steel gangways, timber foam tank structure, clarifier timber and steel bulkhead wall, timber catwalk, clarifier concrete structure, scum box, phosphoric acid tank, remnant foundations, broken pile stubs and log pond timber bulkhead piling. More than 5,000 tons of shoreline debris was processed and upland excavations totaled more than 12,000 tons, of which 9,900 tons was found to be contaminated and subsequently disposed at an offsite Subtitle D landfill. Crews surgically removed and retrofitted legacy piping and stormwater systems. Much of the work performed under this contract was in tidally influenced zones, requiring night-work and significant pumping / plugging / bypass and water conveyance efforts . Carpentry crews installed more than 680 LF of cast-in-place concrete pile cap, most of which was suspended over Whatcom Waterway. Various capping systems were placed over the site; Strider-installed marine capping systems alone covered an area greater than 100,000 SF. Approximately 5,600 tons of import structural fill and ballast were placed as upland capping layers. Prior to leaving the site, stormwater passed through a treatment facility to maintain compliance with NPDES CSGP requirements. Fencing and other surfacing / restoration activities were accomplished in the final project stages.