Mission Ridge Road
This project constructed 4.3 miles of paved mountainous road climbing 1,750 feet from the valley to Mission Ridge Ski Lodge. The work consisted of clearing (26 Acres), earthwork (70,000 CY), grading, drainage, retaining walls (70,000 SF MSE walls, welded wire face), sub-base (52,000 TN), asphalt treated base (32,000 TN) and HMA paving (14,000 TN). The project involved Strider surveying and quality control and assurance. Given the location and relatively short construction season, the project had a two season duration and all the challenges of construction in steep terrain, high altitude and limited access. The road significantly enhanced an existing two lane road by increasing the stability of the roadway, mitigating the impacts of run-off and improving traffic safety. Built in a forest, environmental concerns included extensive erosion control, dust mitigation, fire prevention, and restoration to stabilize the site.