Custom Plywood Interim Action
Location:Anacortes, WA
Project Dates:2011
Owner:Department of Ecology
Project Details:
At a site formerly occupied by a sawmill and plywood manufacturing plant, this contract involved priority driven excavation of approximately 26,000 CY of contaminated soil to depths of 15 feet, adjacent to the OHW line of Fidalgo Bay. More than 30,300 tons of contaminated soil and wood debris was transported and disposed offsite at a permitted Subtitle D landfill facility. Strider crews installed a slide rail shoring system to assist in the precision excavation along the sensitive OHW line. Construction related groundwater was managed onsite through infiltration methods. Over 58,000 tons of clean material was imported and placed and the site fully landscaped, creating an estuarine wetland beach and swale to treat stormwater.